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Prof. LEUNG Shuk Man 梁淑雯教授

Chinese Language and Literature Programme

Associate Professor & UG Programme Coordinator of HKGS

BA (HKBU), MA (CUHK), MPhil (HKBU), PhD (Lond)



Rm 853, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Cultural Cold War in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Literature, Late Qing Fiction, Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Print Culture in Greater China

Date Title


“New Fiction as a Public Opinion: The Utopian/Dystopian Imagination in Revolutionary Periodicals in Late Qing China,” in Rasoul Aliakbari ed., Comparative Print Culture: A Study of Alternative Literary Modernities (Palgrave Macmillan).


〈 香港《文匯報》文藝版中的「澳門一二三」事件書寫〉(”The Portrayal of the 1966 Macau 123 Incident in Wen Wei Po’s Literary Supplement”) in《香港. 1960》(Hong Kong 1960s). (Taipei: Wenhsun).


〈國族身份〉, 載入朱耀偉主編:《香港關鍵詞》。香港:中文大學出版社,頁139-148。


〈公共領域與文藝報刊:晚清烏托邦話語形成之考察〉(“The Public Sphere and Literary Journals: An Investigation of the Discursive Formation of New Fiction’s Utopian Imagination in Late Qing”) 《當代比較文學與方法論建構》Contemporary Comparative Literature and its Methodology Construction (Shanghai: Fudan University Press), pp 895-904.