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Prof. LEUNG Shuk Man 梁淑雯教授

Chinese Language and Literature Programme

Associate Professor & UG Programme Coordinator of HKGS

BA (HKBU), MA (CUHK), MPhil (HKBU), PhD (Lond)



Rm 853, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Cultural Cold War in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Literature, Late Qing Fiction, Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Print Culture in Greater China

Date Title


“Reception as Resistance: Representations of the Chinese Cultural Revolution in Kuomintang’s Publications in Hong Kong, Popular Magazine, 1966–1977,” Cultural Meme-ing: The 24th Annual International Conference of Cultural Studies Association. National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan, March 16–17, 2024.


“Hong Kong Identity at (Cold) War: The Chinese Cultural Revolution Discourse in Ming Pao,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference 2024 (Virtual). Seattle, United States, March 1, 2024.


“Hong Kong Identity at (Cold) War: The Chinese Cultural Revolution Discourse in Ming Pao,” Crossroad in Cultural Studies 2022 (Virtual). Lisbon, Portugal, November 17–19, 2022.


"Interpreting “the Other”: Representations of the Chinese Cultural Revolution in Kuomintang’s Publications Popular Magazine (萬人雜誌) , 1966–1977" BACS conference, United Kingdom: University of Oxford, 31 August to 1 September 2022.


Liminality, Chinese Nationalism and Place identity: Cultural Revolution Discourse in Ming Pao. Thinking Home in Hong Kong: Limits, Horizons, Imaginaries. The University of Hong Kong.


“An Examination of the Emergence of Hong Kong Identity through Youth and Student Cultural Revolution Discourse: A Study of Pan Ku and Undergrad.” Panel entitled “The 1960s in the Chinese-speaking World,” 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars. Leiden: Leiden University, 15–19 July 2019.


“Hong Kong, the Cultural Revolution and the Cold War.” The 1st Annual Conference for the Society of Hong Kong Studies. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong.


“Hong Kong Identity Through Youth and Student Cultural Revolution Discourse During the Post-Riots Period in The Undergrad”, Panel entitled “Worlding the Cold War Experience in Asia”, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) conference 2017. Korea: Sungkonghoe University.


“The Dissemination and Adaption of the Cultural Revolution Literature in Hong Kong Wen Wei Po”, Panel entitled “Rethinking Knowledge Formation in Cold War Asia: Fluidity, Exchange and Contestation” AAS-in-Asia 2017. Korea: Korea University.


〈文革文學在香港報刊的傳播與接受:以香港《文匯報》為例〉 “The Dissemination and Reception of Cultural Revolution Literature in Colonial Hong Kong: A Case Study of Wen Wei Po,” 「香港‧1960 」International Conference on “Hong Kong 1960s,” Hong Kong: Lingnan University.


〈文革記憶與瘋子症狀——談韓少功《鞋癖》與格非《傻瓜的詩篇》〉 “Madness as Rhetoric: The Memories of Cultural Revolution in Han Shaogong’s Shoes Fetishism and Ge Fei’s The Idiot’s Poems,” 「疾病誌:中國現當代文學與電影國際學術研討會」International Conference on “Pathography: Modern and Contemporary Literature and Film,” Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University.


〈香港《文匯報》中的「文革」話語,1966-1976〉“Cultural Revolution Discourse in Hong Kong’s Wen Wei Po,”「香港的歷史與社會研究」國際學術研討會 International Conference on “Hong Kong History and Society Studies,” Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of History and Hong Kong Baptist University.


“The Cultural Revolution in Hong Kong: The Cultural Revolution Discourse in Leftist Newspapers: Wen Wei Po, 1966-1976,” International Conference on “The Cultural Revolution Today: Literature, Film, and Cultural Debates,” Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong.


“New Fiction as a Public Opinion: The Utopian/Dystopian Imagination in Revolutionary Journals and Newspapers in Late Qing China,” The Annual Congress of the Canadian Comparative Literature Association (CCLA) 2016, Canada: The University of Calgary.


〈「文革在香港」:六、七十年代香港報刊上的「文革」輿論報道〉“The Cultural Revolution in Hong Kong: The Public Opinion on the Culture Revolution in Hong Kong Newspapers and Journals during 1960s and 1970s,” 「『冷戰時期中港台文學與文化翻譯』國際學術研討會」International Conference on “The Translation of Literature and Culture in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China during the Cold War Period,” Hong Kong: Lingnan University, 6-7 March, 2015, 10pp.


〈晚清「新小說」:一個文類學的個案研究〉 “‘New Fiction’ in Late Qing: A Case Study of A Generic Discourse,” 「中國文藝理論學會第十二屆年會﹣百年文藝理論研究中的中國話語學術研討會」The 12th Annual Conference of The Chinese Association for Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art: Academic Conference entitled “Chinese Discourses in A Hundred Years of Literary Theory Research,” Beijing: Beijing Normal University, 18-19 October, 2014, 52pp.


“The Newspaper Industry and the Creation of Identity: Defining the Reader in the New Life Evening Post,” The XIXth EACS (European Association of Chinese Studies) Annual Conference 2012, France: the Université Paris Diderot, the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) and the Bibliothèque des Langues et Civilisations (BULAC), 4-6 September, 2012, 12pp.


 “The Birth of New Fiction: A Study of a Generic Discourse in Late Qing Fiction,” BACS (British Association for Chinese Studies) Annual Conference 2011. United Kingdom: The University of Edinburgh, 7-9 September 2011, 20pp.


〈公共領域與文藝報刊:晚清烏托邦話語形成之考察〉 “The Public Sphere and the Utopian Community: The Mode of the Discursive Formation in Literary Journals and Newspapers,” 「中國比較文學學會(CCLA) 第10屆年會暨國際學術研討會」The 10th Triennial Congress of CCLA and the International Conference, Shanghai: Fudan University, 9-11 August 2011, 17pp.