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Prof. WANG Pei 汪沛教授

Chinese History and Culture Programme

Assistant Professor

BA (Zhejiang), PhD (Tsinghua)



Rm 907, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Carl Jung, Comparative Philosophy, Confucianism, Emmanuel Levinas, Feminism, Intellectual History, Jacques Lacan, Phenomenology, Philosophy of the Family, Political Philosophy, Psychoanalysis

Wang Pei, Assistant professor at the School of Chinese, the University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include Confucianism, comparative philosophy and Chinese intellectual history. She is particularly interested in Confucian feminism and how traditional Confucian virtues can be morally justified in modern China. She is the co-author (with Daniel. A. Bell) of Just Hierarchy: Why Social Hierarchies Matter in China and the Rest of the World, published by Princeton University Press in 2020. She has authored over thirty academic articles in English, Chinese, and French, mainly on Confucianism and comparative philosophy, published in Philosophy & Social Criticism, China Review, and Jung Journal, among others.


汪沛,香港大學中文學院助理教授。她的研究興趣包括儒家哲學、比較哲學和中國思想史。她對儒家女性主義以及儒家傳統美德如何在現代中國獲得道德證成尤為感興趣。她與Daniel. A. Bell合著的Just Hierarchy: Why Social Hierarchies Matter in China and the Rest of the World一書於 2020 年由普林斯頓大學出版社出版。她用英文、中文和法文撰寫了三十多篇學術文章,主要涉及儒家思想和比較哲學,發表在Philosophy & Social Criticism, China Review, 和 Jung Journal等刊物上。