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Ms. CHOW Bun Ching 周品晶女士

P/T Cantonese Lecturers

Honorary Lecturer, P/T Lecturer

BA (CUHK), MA (Tsukuba), Cert.TJFL (Tsukuba)



Rm 715, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Cantonese as a Foreign Language, Teaching Chinese

周品晶,香港中文大學榮譽文學士、日本筑波大學國際學碩士、日本筑波大學對外日本語教師養成文憑,其教學及研究以對外粵語及中文爲主。曾任香港大學中文學院漢語中心署理主任、講師及課程統籌,並獲得香港大學文學院卓越教學獎。退休後任香港大學中文學院榮譽講師及兼任講師。周老師的著作“Cantonese for Everyone”、“Learn Chinese Using Cantonese”、“Living Cantonese for Intermediate Learners”、“Decoding Chinese Characters” 、“Spoken Cantonese for Non-Chinese Students” 以及《快靚正廣東話》,在本地和海外都極受歡迎。


Chow Bun Ching has dedicated more than twenty-five years to teaching written Chinese and spoken Cantonese to expatriates of varied backgrounds at the University of Hong Kong. As a lecturer at the University of Hong Kong, Ms Chow led the Cantonese Section of the Chinese Language Centre in the School of Chinese and taught language courses at all levels, receiving a Faculty Teaching Excellence Award from the Faculty of Arts. She also designed CantoSounds, an online platform for learning Cantonese pronunciations which is now freely accessible to the public. Her research interests are in the area of the teaching and learning of Chinese/Cantonese as a foreign language. Ms Chow has published several textbooks that are widely used over the world.