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Ms. CHEN Yunjia 陳蘊佳女士

P/T Cantonese Lecturers

P/T Lecturer

B.Eng.(GD PharmU), PGDE(CUHK), M.A.(PolyU)



Rm 715, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU


陳蘊佳女士, 2016年加入香港大學中文學院漢語中心,擔任粵語講師,教授國際生、交換生、硏究生及教職員等粵語課程。多年來,陳老師任教於多間大專院校、公司机构,具有豐富的粵語、中文、普通話教學經驗。其教學及研究興趣包括粵語對外教學、粵語與普通話對比的教學應用等。


Ms. Chen Yunjia joined the Chinese Language Centre, the School of Chinese at the University of Hong Kong in 2016 as a Cantonese lecturer. Ever since, she has been teaching various Cantonese courses for international and exchange undergraduate students, postgraduate students, and HKU staff. Over the years, Ms. Chen has taught Cantonese, Chinese and Mandarin at several universities, institutes and companies. Her research interests include teaching Cantonese as a foreign language, the comparison between Cantonese and Mandarin for application in teaching, etc.