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Current RPg Students

Research Fields

The personal particulars provided by the students on this webpage and the files connected to the links are for informational purposes only.  The school is not liable for any inaccuracies or errors in the information displayed.

Ms. Ni Yushang 倪羽裳女士

Full-time 4-yr PhD student (Registered: 1-Jan-2025)
Prof. LIN Pei-yin
Gender Studies, Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature

Course(s) Taught (in 2024/25): CHIN2154 (Sem 2)

Mr. Firat OZTURK 龍大福先生

Full-time 4-yr PhD student (Registered: 1-Dec-2024)
Chinese History

Mr. Poon Chun Chi, Sampras 潘濬智先生

Part-time Mphil student (Registered: 1-Sep-2021)
Prof. Tang Siu Fu
Chinese Thought: Confucianism

Course(s) Taught (in 2024/25): CHIN1211 & CHIN2246 (Sem 1)

Mr. Poon Kwok Hang, Henry 潘國亨先生

Full-time Mphil student (Registered: 1-Sep-2024)
Prof. WONG Yoke Hin, Nicholas & Prof. LIN Pei-yin
Literature, Translation 

Course(s) Taught (in 2024/25): CHIN2365 (Sem 1)

Miss Qin Yuxi 秦雨溪女士

Full-time 4-yr PhD student (Registered: 1-Oct-2020)
Prof. LEUNG Shuk Man
Hong Kong and Taiwan Literature

Course(s) Taught (in 2024/25): CHIN2172/HKGS2104 (Sem 1)

Mr. Su Xin 蘇鑫先生

Full-time 4-yr PhD student (Registered: 1-Sep-2020)
Prof. LIN Pei-yin
1990s Studies, Contemporary Chinese Literature, Locality Writings, Young Writers