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Current RPg Students

Research Fields

The personal particulars provided by the students on this webpage and the files connected to the links are for informational purposes only.  The school is not liable for any inaccuracies or errors in the information displayed.

Ms. Yuan Xinran 袁欣然女士

Full-time Mphil student (Registered: 1-Sep-2024)
Prof. YUE Man Cheung, Isaac
Translation Studies

Mr. Yuen Wai Kit, Fubuki 阮偉傑先生

Full-time Mphil student (Registered: 1-Sep-2023)
Prof. Richard Van Ness SIMMONS & Prof. TSE Yiu Kay
Chinese Linguistics (Cantonese)

Course(s) Taught (in 2024/25): CHIN1123 & CHIN1124 (Sem 1)

Miss Zhang Huiyan 張慧岩女士

Full-time 4-yr PhD student (Registered: 1-Sep-2020)
Prof. SONG Geng
Modern Chinese Literature and Culture

Miss Zhang Mingying 张明滢女士

Full-time Mphil student (Registered: 1-Sep-2021)
Prof. WEI Yan & Prof. LIN Pei-yin
Malaysian Writers in Taiwan

Ms. Zhang Peiying 張沛瑩女士

Full-time 4-yr PhD student (Registered: 1-Sep-2024)
Prof. TANG Pui Ling
Chinese Paleography, Excavated Texts

Course(s) Taught (in 2024/25): CHIN2169 (Sem 2)

Mr. Zhang Xinyan 張新焱先生

Part-time 4-yr PhD student (Registered: 1-Mar-2019)
Prof. CHU Ming Kin
History of Sung Dynasty