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Chinese Writers’ Heterolingual Exploration in France


2018-19 School of Chinese Hon-yin and Suet-fong Chan Professorship Endowment Lecture Series


Chinese Writers’ Heterolingual Exploration in France

華人文學與異語 :法國的探索


Professor Yinde Zhang

University of Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3

時間 Time: 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Tuesday 30 October 2018
地點 Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong
演講語言 Language: Mandarin Chinese 華語


The heterolinguism has a double meaning. The first one concerns the non-native or foreign language used by Chinese writers. The second refers to all heterogenic factors incorporated in any standard language, as defined by Grutman and other scholars. The concept seems relevant to the Chinese-French literature phenomenon, since whether sinophone or francophone, it distances itself from a normative and canonical way by formulating a heterotopic discourse. What is the Chinese French speaking literature compared to the sinophone and francophone one? What are the ambiguous relationship between the institutional strategy and the exophone self-narrative? Finally what are the moving functions of such a literature in the global context? This lecture attempts to answer these questions by providing an overview of the evolving field. The aim is to highlight the risk of its instrumentalization while bringing in mind the potential power of the heterolingual writing, intrinsic to a wandering approach, and thus to a transgressive extraterritoriality, a literary non-place, an inappropriated space, against both essential relativism and fallacious universality.


異語一詞,此處具有兩重概念。一是指稱華人作家用以創作的非母語或外語 (exolingual), 二是借用 Grutman 等學者所言,謂指特定語言中的異質因素 (heterolingual), 擴而言之,可以用來描述華人文學的“異地”(heterotopia) 訴求 : 無論其所用語言是華語還是法語,相對規範和經典華人文學似乎都面臨著一個距離問題。本次講座擬分三個層面就此問題來闡明法國華人作家提供了哪些可供思考的信息。鑒於法國的華人文學以新一代的移民文學所構成,不少作家且以法語創作成名,首先有必要對這世紀之交形成的文學場域作一勾勒,對華人法語創作的前世今生作一回顧。接以著重介紹用他人語言述說自我所帶來的一系列主題曖昧,指明跨文化策略之外的普世與相對的瓜葛糾纏,及其今日全球化語境下的話語功能切轉。最後,通過幾個典型案例的分析,我們將看到,無論是登堂入殿,還是默守一偶,華人作家集散之餘,尋求的可能是一塊文學的“非地”(non-place or extraterrotoriality), 一片無可工具化的自由空間,一個游移不居的衡態。這可能就是法國華人文學在方法/路徑 (method)上給我們的某種提示。


Yinde Zhang is professor at the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, Center for Comparative Literature (CERC), and member of the Center of Studies in Modern China (CECMC, EHESS/CNRS).
His main research interest is the Chinese contemporary literature, with a focus on comparative approach and political imagination. He is the author of Le monde romanesque chinois au XXe siècle. Modernités et identités (Chinese Fiction World in the Twentieth Century : Modernities and Identities), Mo Yan, le lieu de la fiction (Mo Yan, the Place of Fiction), Utopia and Utopianism in the Contemporary Chinese Context : Texts , Ideas, Spaces (edited by David Der-wei Wang, Angela Ki Che Leung and Yinde Zhang. Forthcoming)


現任巴黎新索邦第三大學比較文學研究中心(CERC, université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3)教授,兼任巴黎高等社會科學院中國現當代研究中心(CECMC,EHESS / CNRS)研究員,華東師範大學外國語學院,上海師範大學比較文學與世界文學研究中心特聘教授。法國 « 比較文學雜誌 »(Revue de littérature comparée)等刊物編委。
主要著作有«莫言 – 虛構之地»(Mo Yan, le lieu de la fiction),«比較文學與中華視野»(Littérature comparée et perspectives chinoises德威,梁其姿合編Utopia and Utopianism in the Contemporary Chinese Context: Texts, Ideas, Spaces 研讨会文集 (University of Hong Kong Press, forthcoming)


All are welcome






All are welcome, but seats are limited. The titles in Mandarin Chinese indicate lectures in that language; otherwise all lectures are in English.