A Comparison of Calendrical Calculations in Early and High Tang China and India – With Special References to Calendars Linde, Dayan and Navagraha
2016/2017 School of Chinese Research Students Seminar
A Comparison of Calendrical Calculations in Early and High Tang China and India – With Special References to Calendars Linde, Dayan and Navagraha
Date and Time: April 7, 2017 (Friday), 5:30-6:45pm
Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Cantonese
An astronomical and astrological compendium of the Tang government, Kaiyuan zhanjing 開元占經 collates works on calendar, mathematics as well as astrology written in China up to the eighth century. Its compiler Gautama Siddha (active in early eighth century), an Indian astronomer living in China, also appended a translation of the Indian calendar Navagraha to the compendium. This talk will compare the computational methods behind three calendars compiled between the seventh and the eighth centuries: Linde 麟德曆 by Li Chunfeng 李淳風 (602-670) of Early Tang, Dayan 大衍曆 by monk Yixing 一行 (683-727) during the Kaiyuan 開元 era and Navagraha which Gautama Siddha translated into Chinese. The calendrical dispute, which occurred during the Kaiyuan era, will be considered as well.