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Prof. NG Nga Shan Eva 吳雅珊教授

Translation Programme

Associate Professor & UG Programme Coordinator of TR

BA (HK); MA (Birmingham); PhD (Aston)



Rm 817, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Court Interpreting, Courtroom Discourse, Legal Translation

Dr Eva Ng graduated from The University of Hong Kong with a BA in Translation, and holds an MA in Translation and Linguistics from the University of Birmingham and a PhD in Forensic Linguistics from Aston University, both in the United Kingdom. She was a staff court interpreter in the Judiciary of the Hong Kong Government before she joined the Translation Programme of the School of Chinese. Her research interests include legal translation and interpreting, bilingual courtroom discourse analysis, language and law, and language and power in courtroom discourse. Her research uniquely integrates her substantial professional experience as a court interpreter and her academic training in forensic linguistics. Her studies in courtroom interpreting demonstrate how linguistic inequalities in the judicial process may impact on the delivery of justice, and explore to what extent these inequalities can be mitigated by the mediation of the court interpreter. Her works have appeared in leading international journals including Interpreting: International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting, International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, and International Journal for the Semiotics of Law. She published her first monograph – Common Law in an Uncommon Courtroom: Judicial Interpreting in Hong Kong – with John Benjamins Publishing Company, a leading academic publisher specialised in the field of Translation Studies and Linguistics. She was selected as a Doris Zimmern HKU-Cambridge Hughes Hall 2019–2020 Fellow, and a Harvard-Yenching Institute Visiting Scholar in the 2022–2023 academic year.


Eva is a widely recognised leader in Knowledge Exchange. The Resources for Interpreting website and the Newssary app she has developed received a top rating of 4-stars as an impact case study for the 2020 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE).


吳雅珊博士畢業於香港大學,主修翻譯,並獲英國伯明翰大學翻譯語言學碩士及阿斯頓大學司法語言學博士。她曾任香港司法機構法庭傳譯主任,現為中文學院翻譯課程副教授,主要教授口譯。研究範圍包括法律翻譯、法庭傳譯、雙語法庭話語分析、語言與法律、法庭話語中語言與權力的關係等。吳博士的研究結合她豐富的法庭傳譯經驗和司法語言學訓練,探討司法程序中不平等語言如何影響司法公正,以至法庭傳譯如何緩解相關問題。她曾在多份國際期刊發表論文,並由翻譯及語言學界首屈一指的學術出版社John Benjamins Publishing Company為她出版第一本專著。吳博士為劍橋大學休斯學院2019–20年度院士及2022–2023哈佛燕京學院訪問學者。

