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Prof. YANG Bin Bin 楊彬彬教授

Chinese Language and Literature Programme

Associate Professor

BA (Lanzhou), MA (Peking), PhD (Wash)



Rm 807, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Chinese Women's Literature, Comparative Literature, Ming-Qing Literature, Women and Gender Studies

楊彬彬,聖路易華盛頓大學中國文學與比較文學博士 (2007)香港大學中文學院副教授研究與教學著重拓展明清婦女文學與性別研究的跨學科、跨文化視野。已完成兩項由香港研究資助局資助的課題,並獲得2018/19年度人文學及社會科學傑出學者獎。目前致力於完成的第三項香港研究資助局課題探討比較視野中的女性日記與方法論對話計劃開展的研究將探討由女性劃定的近代知識邊界主要研究成果包括:專著Heroines of the Qing (2016; 可參照所附書評)專著Spatial Imaginaries and Women Writers in Qing China (已完稿;探討人地關係的變化與清代女性文學中的空間想像);《近代女性日記五種 (2021; 日記文獻整理附詳細整理前言)講授的本科課程包括:CHIN1109 中國婦女文學、CHIN2121 歷代散文、CHIN2145 元明清戲曲、CHIN2146 “病美人”:明清文學中的性別與疾病。同時擔任碩士、博士研究生導師(MPhil, MA, PhD)。 


I received my PhD in Chinese and Comparative Literature at Washington University in St. Louis (2007), and am currently a tenured associate professor in the School of Chinese, the University of Hong Kong. My research and teaching interest lies in developing cross-disciplinary approaches to women’s literary and cultural production in late imperial China, and fostering dialogues between studies of women and gender in China and the West. I have completed two GRF projects and received the 2018/19 Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship. I am currently completing a third GRF project (“Women Diarists and the History of the Self: Towards a Dialogue in Methodology”). My future research plan is to investigate the “boundaries of knowledge” drawn by women in early modern and modern eras. My major research outputs include: Heroines of the Qing (2016; please refer to the attached book reviews); Spatial Imaginaries and Women Writers in Qing China (manuscript completed; a study of how the largest-scale diaspora in pre-modern China enabled women’s spatial and cultural claims); Five Diaries by Women from Early Modern China 近代女性日記五種 (2021; an annotated collection with an extensive introduction).  


My undergraduate courses include: CHIN1109 Introduction to Chinese women’s literature, CHIN2121 Prose up to the nineteenth century, CHIN 2145 Chinese theater during the Yuan, Ming and Qing periods, and CHIN 2146 The “sickly beauties”: gender and illness in late imperial China. I also supervise MPhil, MA, and Ph.D theses.