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Prof. WU Cuncun 吳存存教授

Chinese Language and Literature Programme


BA (Hangzhou), MA (Nankai), PhD (Melbourne)



Rm 820, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Ancient Chinese Culture and Art, Chinese Culture Studies, Drama, East-West Cultural Exchange, Fiction, Gender and Sexuality, Ming-Qing Literature, Ming-Qing Studies, Songbooks

吳存存,中國古代文學教授,香港人文學院院士。2010年開始在中文學院執教,此前曾在中國的南開大學和澳大利亞的新英格蘭大學執教近二十年。她以中英文在海內外發表了大量的關於明清文學與性別和性愛問題的專著、論文和翻譯,其代表性著作爲《明清社會性愛風氣》(人民文學出版社 2000), Homoerotic Sensibilities in Late Imperial China (RoutledgeCurzon, 2004),Homoeroticism in Imperial China: A Sourcebook, (Routledge, 2013) ,《戲外之戲:清中晚期京城的戲園文化與梨園私寓制》(香港大學出版社2017),以及《<三才福>校注》(上海教育出版社2023)。目前她在從事香港人文學及社會科學傑出學者計劃課題的研究:“失聲的平民女性情歌:從晚清通俗唱本反思中國傳統通俗文學的定義、分層和記憶” (2024-2025)。她講授的本科課程包括CHIN2125“歷代詞”,CHIN2151“明清小說與明清時期的性與性別問題”, CHIN2122 “專家散文“,此外還有MA課程CHIN7112 “性別、性愛與傳統中國通俗文學”,以及擔任有關研究領域的MPhil和PhD研究生導師。


Wu Cuncun (PhD, Melbourne, 2002) is Professor in Traditional Chinese Literature, School of Chinese, HKU, and Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Humanities. She joined the School in 2010, having been senior lecturer in Chinese in the School of Arts, University of New England, Australia, and before that an associate professor of Chinese literature in the Chinese Department at Nankai University, Tianjin. Professor Wu has published widely in both Chinese and English, specializing in late imperial Chinese literature as well as gender and sexuality in Chinese history. Her books include 《明清社會性愛風氣》(Sex and Sensibility in Ming-Qing Society, People’s Literature Press, 2000), Homoerotic Sensibilities in Late Imperial China (RoutledgeCurzon, 2004),Homoeroticism in Imperial China: A Sourcebook (co-authored with Mark Stevenson, Routledge, 2012), and《戲外之戲:清中晚期京城的戲園文化與梨園私寓制》(Drama Beyond the Drama: The Private Apartment System and Beijing Theatre Culture, 1790-1911, Hong Kong University Press, 2017). She is currently principal investigator on her 2024/25 Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme project, “Not Only Lost Commener Women's Voice: What Late-Qing Popular Songbook's Reveal Regarding the Definition, Stratification and Memory of Traditional Chinese Popular Literature.” 


Professor Wu’s undergraduate courses are CHIN2125 Ci Poetry from the Tang to the Qing, CHIN2122 Prose: selected writers, and CHIN2151 Gender and Sexuality in Ming and Qing Fiction, as well as the MA course CHIN7112 Gender and Sexuality in the Popular Literature of the Ming-Qing Period. She also supervises MA, MPhil and PhD theses in her areas of expertise.