Main Content

Dr. WONG Yuk Tung 黃毓棟博士

Chinese Language Enhancement Programme


BA , MPhil , PhD (HK)



Rm 720, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Date Title


“Ending the Boredom: Format, Language of Practical Writing and the Interconnection of Cultural Elements告別煩悶:事務書信的格式、語言及文化元素的內在脈絡,” presented at the Fifth International Conference on Language in Education, organized by the Chinese Language Studies of The Education University of Hong Kong, November 16-17, 2018.


“Wandering In The Countryside: Lives Of The Ming Yimin Clans In Cui Wei Shan Of Jiang Xi彷徨於野外:明遺民及其家屬在江西翠微峰的生活,” presented at the International Conference Of The Ming And Qing In The 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, New Horizons, organized by the School of Chinese of The University of Hong Kong, October 20-21, 2017.


“Reproducing the Glamour: Lives of Members of the Hall of Changes who retired from public life to Cui Wei Shan複製繁華:以明季清初《易》堂九子退隱翠微山的生活為例,” presented at the International Conference of Pre-Modern Chinese Language, organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of the National Pingtung University, December 5-7, 2015.


“Teaching and Assessments on Chinese Practical Writings in the 50s to 70s Hong Kong: Using Xu Xiqing’s Xin Bian Ying Yong Wen as Example 50至70年代香港應用文教學及考試:以許錫慶《新編應用文》為例,” presented at the International Conference on the History of Hong Kong, jointly organized by Hong Kong Shue Yan University and The Hong Kong Institute of Education, April 10-11, 2015 (Co-presenter).


“Thought beyond the Boundary: The Ming Yimin Wei Xi’s Unique Idea of Statecraft (Jingshi經世) 邊緣外的思想─明遺民魏禧的一種獨特經世思想,” presented at the Fifth International Conference of Modern Chinese Language in Taiwan, organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of the National Pingtung University of Education, December 5-7, 2013.


“The Concealed Hope: Narratives regarding the Nine Masters from the Hall of Changes recorded in the Local Gazetteers of the Early Qing 淡化的渴望:清初《易》堂九子在地方文獻內的故事,” presented at the International Symposium of Local Documentation Conference, jointly organized by Peking University, Nankai University and Utah Genealogical Society, March 15-18, 2008.


“New Peach Blossom Shangri-la: The World of Massive Eremitism of Han Chinese Intellectuals during the Ming-Ch’ing Transition 新桃花源:明清之際士人集體退隱的世界,” presented at the History Academic Weeks, organized by the Department of History of the Hong Kong Shue Yan University, March 15, 2007.