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Current RPg Students

Research Fields

The personal particulars provided by the students on this webpage and the files connected to the links are for informational purposes only.  The school is not liable for any inaccuracies or errors in the information displayed.

Mr. Bu Jiahua, Danny 卜家驊先生

Full-time 4-yr PhD student (Registered: 1-Sep-2021)
Prof. WANG Dingkun & Prof. SONG Geng
Translation Studies

Miss Cai Lejia 蔡樂佳女士

Part-time 3-yr PhD student (Registered: 1-Jun-2024)
Prof. TANG Pui Ling
Chinese Language

Miss Cao Murong, April 曹慕容女士

Full-time Mphil student (Registered: 1-Sep-2020)
Prof. CHEN Liangliang & Prof. WU Cuncun
Chinese Classical Fictions

Course(s) Taught (in 2024/25): CHIN2146 (Sem 1)

Miss Cao Shiyu 曹詩雨女士

Full-time 4-yr PhD student (Registered: 1-Jan-2024)
Chinese Religion - Daoism

Course(s) Taught (in 2024/25): CHIN1201 (Sem 1); CHIN1207 (Sem 2)

Miss Chan Kit Yee 陳潔儀女士

Part-time 3-yr PhD student (Registered: 1-Nov-2016)
Prof. TSE Yiu Kay
Chinese Prose

Mr. Chan Pui To, Jack 陳沛滔先生

Part-time Mphil student (Registered: 1-Sep-2022)
Prof. SONG Gang
History of Chinese-Western Cultural Exchanges, History of Ming and Qing Dynasty