黃俊賢是香港大學中文學院的翻譯講師,獲港大翻譯學士、碩士、博士學位、牛津大學教師教育碩士學位、哈佛大學高等教育教學證書、史坦福大學教學領導證書、劍橋大學英語教學證書和英語教師培訓證書。現於劍橋大學修讀英語評核碩士課程,是英國皇家特許語言家學會的會士兼特許語言師 (翻譯專家、教育專家)。
除了教學和翻譯外,黃博士也擔任各大國際翻譯期刊與英語教學期刊之評論員,著作包括'Exploring Creativity in ChatGPT and Human Translated Literature: A Case Study of The Old Man and the Sea in Chinese'(2025) 、和牛津大學教育系合著的'The Knowledge Quartet'(2025)。
John Chun Yin WONG is Lecturer in Translation in the School of Chinese at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). He holds BA, MPhil and PhD degrees in Translation from HKU, an MSc in Teacher Education (ESL) from the University of Oxford, a Higher Education Teaching Certificate from Harvard University, a Certificate in Instructional Leadership Using Core Practices from Stanford University, a Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA), a Certificate in Teaching English Online, and a Certificate in Train the Trainer from the University of Cambridge, where he is studying for an MSt in English Language Assessment. He is a Fellow (English) and Chartered Linguist (Translator; Education) of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL).
John has been teaching Translation at HKU since 1997 and served as the Coordinator for the MA in Translation (MAT) from 2017 to 2020. His considerable experience includes teaching MA courses in Translation at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) between 2009 and 2015, and working as a Translation Lecturer at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and Lingnan University (LU) in 2012 and 2015 respectively. In addition, from 2000 to 2016, he taught the Postgraduate Certificate in Translation at HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE) to students from all walks of life including doctors, lawyers, accountants, bankers, vice presidents, PR managers, company secretaries, engineers, police officers, government officials, teachers, copywriters, reporters, editors and translators. John has also been working as a freelance translator since 1995. Between 1995 and 1997, he won three prizes in the Youth Literary Awards Translation Competition and one in the Central and Western District Translation Contest. He also received the Best Oral Presentation Award for delivering 'Teaching Translation as a Cultural and Historical Activity' at The 9th International Conference on History and Culture (ICHC 2022) held online at the University of Plymouth, UK from 14 to 16 December 2022. He served as an External Examiner of a PhD Translation thesis at Auckland University of Technology in 2020, an MA Translation Examiner at The University of Manchester in 2022, and an External Examiner for the Higher Diploma in Translation Technology and Modern Languages at Caritas Bianchi College of Careers in Hong Kong from 2022 to 2024. He is an External Adviser to the BA (Honours) in Translation Technology at Saint Francis University in Hong Kong.
With his wealth of professional experience in translation and education, John has devised a pedagogy that fulfils both academic and practical needs by training his students to analyze translation problems from an academic perspective, and then to challenge conventional translation theories with practical experience, opening a dialogue between theory and practice. In this sense, his classroom acts as a platform where academics exchange views with practising translators. Apart from teaching his students translation theories and techniques, John also trains them how to work successfully under severe constraints like having to meet tight deadlines, handle difficult clients or teammates, and mediate between holders of conflicting ideologies. The goal of this pedagogy is to help students develop not only proficiency in both the English and Chinese languages, but also social skills and critical minds that will enable them to succeed in society outside the classroom.
Besides teaching, John has also served as a Language Consultant at Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) and an Adjudicator in the Youth Literary Awards Translation Competition on behalf of CUHK and HKU respectively. In 2013, at the invitation of the academic publisher Routledge, he reviewed the third edition of Jeremy Munday’s Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. He is currently serving on the Advisory/ Editorial/ Reviewer Boards of some refereed international journals of ELT and Translation Studies. He has been awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by TESL-EJ: Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (UC Berkeley) for providing 'careful and supportive feedback' on a manuscript, and a Reviewer Certificate by ELT Journal (Oxford University Press) for his 'invaluable contributions' towards 'improving the quality of the articles' they publish and for his 'pivotal role in promoting academic excellence'. His research interests include translation criticism, translation technology, teacher education, English language assessment, and TESOL.